Executive producer and Special FX Makeup designer Greg Nicotero dished on the type of zombies fans will see in Season 5 of "The Walking Dead." There have been endless spoilers and rumors about the show in general but not enough information on the walkers. And let's face it; you can't have a zombie show without some scary-looking walkers.

Previously Gale Anne Hurd told AMC that fans will see some pretty frightening zombies in the new season and Nicotero elaborated on that and said that he's using a lot of new makeup tricks to make sure that the walkers look as spooky as possible.

"I have many new tricks and a very long sleeve! Just like last season where we were able to introduce a new walker look by having infected walkers with the bleeding eyes, we've taken the makeup one step further," he told AMC.

Because the show is in Season 5 and Rick Grimes and co. have been on the road for a while, Nicotero said the state of decay the walkers are in will look a lot different than before.

"These walkers have been around for what we estimate to be a year and a half, so there's a lot more exposed bone and skin falling off," Nicotero said. "We've got a whole new look on some of these featured walkers. It's exciting."

So what exactly will fans see when the show returns in October? Nicotero said that one type of affect he's excited to try is to have a walker with a weapon protruding from their body.

"I was thinking about one, which I'm going to try and slide into the show somewhere, where there's a zombie that has a machete or knife embedded in its chest - and as it's attacking, someone pulls it out and uses it to kill the zombie," he said. "So, [that means] someone was fighting a zombie and stabbed the zombie in the chest, then was bitten and killed, and the knife just stayed there. The zombie isn't going to pull the knife out of itself. We're always very careful that the gags we do on the show feel very grounded in the storytelling."

The one thing he said the show tries to stay away is zombified babies. "The Walking Dead" has featured young kids as walkers but has never shown a baby or infant that was bitten and turned. Last season, fans freaked when they though baby Judith was either killed or attacked by a walker.

"I think kids and babies would be the first ones to be eaten because they're more vulnerable and defenseless," he said. "It's a little harder to imagine that they would have survived long enough to become a walker."