Two University of Georgia students apparently posted an ad on Craigslist soliciting a hit man to injure them so they can get out of taking their finals.
The two female students allegedly posted the Craigslist ad earlier this week asking for anyone who would be willing run the two of them over with a car, hurting them so they don't have to take their college exams, according to the Daily Mail.
"I am looking for someone to run my friend and I over with their car," read the ad titled "Hit Man Wanted (UGA)."
"We do not want to die, we just want to be injured enough to get out of taking our finals here at UGA," the ad continues. "Please do not kill."
What's the compensation for a person daring enough to answer the alleged ad?
"Hitting two lovely ladies by vehicle w/permission," the ad said according to the Daily Mail.
The ad has since been removed from Craigslist.
This is not the first time the classified ads site was reportedly used for a murder-for-hire. A skin specialist in Hollywood named Dawn DaLuise allegedly used the site in March to hire someone to kill her biggest competitor, the Daily Mail reported.
DaLuise is suspected of hiring Chris Geile, a player for the Detroit Lions. Geile has not been arrested for any connection to the alleged crime.
Another woman nicknamed the "Craigslist killer" and her husband are currently facing charges for stabbing and strangling a man to death in Pennsylvania in November 2013. Prosecutors say the husband and wife used Craigslist to lure their victim, Troy LaFerrara, Reuters reported.
The woman, Miranda Barbour, claims she is a serial killer who has murdered at least 22 people and spread their body parts in Alaska, Florida and North Carolina, Reuters reported. But authorities are not convinced as to the veracity of Barbour's claims.