Garth Ancier, former president of BBC Wordwide America who is accused raping Michael Egan when he was 15-years-old, has denied the claims brought up against him.

Egan, 31, has accused Ancier, "X-Men" director Bryan Singer, producer Gary Wayne Goddard, and former Disney executive David Alexander Neuman of sexual assault in a civil lawsuit. 

Ancier's attorney released a statement to TMZ claiming, "All of the allegations made by [Michael Egan] against Garth Ancier are demonstrably untrue, and we are confident the courts will agree when the evidence is presented."

"As just one of many examples, Mr. Ancier has never even visited the estate in Hawaii where the plaintiff claims to have encountered him. Mr. Ancier is grateful to his friends, family and colleagues for their support," the attorney added.

Egan's allegations stem from incidents that allegedly occurred at "various Hollywood parties."  Egan claims he was drugged, sodomized and forced to engage in sexual acts, including oral sex when he was 15-years-old.  Egan claims he was subjected to the abuse again at a party in Hawaii.

"They pulled me away for their threat sessions and told me...'At the end of the day if you don't keep the members of this group happy, we control Hollywood. We can eliminate you. We will eliminate you,' threat after threat after threat," Egan said during the press conference on April 17.

"I had drugs put in drinks. I had liquor poured down my throat," he added. "There were rules in the house of no swimsuits, no clothes out by the pool area. I was raped numerous times in that house by numerous individuals, various types of sexual abuse all throughout that were like a piece of meat to these people and they passed you around between them...if I could define what that house was it's evil."

Editor's Note: HNGN does not name the victims of sexual assault or cases like it.  However, Mr. Egan has publicly come forward with his claims in a civil lawsuit.