Michael Egan, Bryan Singer's alleged sexual abuse victim, has named three more Hollywood influential insiders in his civil lawsuit, according to The New York Daily News.

Egan, 31, claims he was 15-years-old when Singer allegedly forced him into participating in sexual acts.  Egan additionally named Garth R. Ancier, Gary Wayne Goddard, and David Alexander Neuman as his alleged attackers.

Ancier, 56, is former president of BBC Wordwide America, Goddard, 61, is a producer of Broadway shows and theme park rides and Neuman is a former Disney executive.

According to the Daily News, Egan claims the four men were a part of a "sordid sex ring" that "groomed" their victims to keep quiet at a young age.  The parties Egan and his alleged abusers were reportedly known for "drugs, alcohol and gifts" to the underage boys, which allegedly lead some of them to being subjected so sexual abuse.

"Based on what we have heard, the allegations are without merit," Goddard's lawyer Alan Grodin said in a statement to the Daily News. "Once we have seen the complaint, we will respond appropriately."

Ancier and Neuman have yet to release a statement regarding the allegations against them.  Singer has denied the accusations brought up against him by Egan.

Egan addressed the claims made in his civil lawsuit during a press conference on April 17.

"They pulled me away for their threat sessions and told me...'At the end of the day if you don't keep the members of this group happy, we control Hollywood. We can eliminate you. We will eliminate you,' threat after threat after threat," Egan said during the press conference, referring to what he was told by the moguls the the Hollywood parties.

"I had drugs put in drinks. I had liquor poured down my throat," he added. "There were rules in the house of no swimsuits, no clothes out by the pool area. I was raped numerous times in that house by numerous individuals, various types of sexual abuse all throughout that house...you were like a piece of meat to these people and they passed you around between them...if I could define what that house was it's evil."

Editor's Note: HNGN does not name the victims of sexual assault or cases like it.  However, Mr. Egan has publicly come forward with his claims in a civil lawsuit.