Stiletto Murderer Sentenced To Life In Prison For Stabbing Boyfriend To Death With Shoe Heel

A Texas woman was sentenced to life in prison on Friday for stabbing her boyfriend to death with the heel of her stiletto shoe.

Ana Trujillo, 45, was convicted earlier this week after her trial in Houston for the June 2013 death of Dr. Stefan Andersson. Prosecutors said Trujillo stabbed Andersson 25 times with the heel of her 5.5 half-inch high stiletto heel. Most of the blows were to the professor's face, head and arms, ABC News reported.

It took the jury five hours to deliberate on a sentence. Trujillo, a native of Mexico, will have to serve at least 30 years in prison before being eligible for parole.

"I never meant to hurt him," Trujillo said before the judge finalized the jury's sentence decision, according to KHOU-TV. "It was never my intent. I loved him. I wanted to get away. I never wanted to kill him."

Trujillo said she killed Andersson, a professor at the University of Houston, in self defense. She was afraid of Andersson, who allegedly had a drinking problem and would get "angry" and "frustrated," according to ABC News.

On the night of the murder, Trujillo had returned with Andersson to his apartment after an outing at a bar. Andersson, 59, allegedly attacked her out of jealousy because another man tried to by her a drink.

Fearing for her life, Trujillo took the heel of her $1,500 shoe to defend herself.

"He was suffocating me. I cannot breathe," Trujillo said during a re-enactment of the struggle at her trial, ABC News reported. "Desperately, I reached over and grabbed my left shoe."

Andersson fell on his back during the confrontation. Trujillo then sat on his chest, holding him down while she attacked his face with her heel.

Others who testified during the punishment phase of the trial said it was Trujillo who became violent when she drank, KHOU-TV reported.

Trujillo has two previous arrests for drunk driving.

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