Hillary Clinton Narrowly Dodges Shoe Thrown at Her Head During Las Vegas Event (SEE IT)

A woman who threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton at a Las Vegas event was taken into the Secret Service's custody on Thursday night.

The former secretary of state narrowly dodged the shoe while giving a speech to Scrap Recycling Industries. According to video footage from the event obtained by the New York Daily News, what appeared to be a multicolored shoe went flying past her right ear.

Clinton clasped both hands together, flinched and darted to the left, then yelled, "Was that a bat!"

The Daily News reported that a woman wearing a blue dress and what might have been a blonde wig raised her arms as though she were under arrest immediately thereafter. Officials then moved her out of the meeting room inside the Mandalay Bay casino and hotel.

Clinton tried to make light of the situation, joking, "Is that somebody throwing something at me? Is that part of Cirque du Soleil? My goodness, I didn't know that solid waste management was so controversial. Good thing she didn't play softball like I did."

A Secret Service agent told the Associated Press that the woman who threw the shoe was arrested and could be charged with criminal offenses. Her identity has been withheld.

The agent also added that the woman was wearing two shoes on her feet when law enforcement officials took her out of the meeting hall. It's likely she brought the black and orange shoe she used to throw at Clinton into the venue separately.

Spokesperson for Scrap Recycling Industries told the Daily News that the woman wasn't part of the organization, and hadn't gained clearance to attend the event.

Clinton has appeared to make a handful of speeches for Scrap Recycling Industries officials and employees in the past year.

The Democrat is mulling a 2016 presidential run.

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