Ubisoft plans to make "Assassin's Creed" titles for both next-gen and current-gen consoles for years to come.

In an interview with Edge online, Ubisoft Vice President of Creative Lionel Raynaud confirmed the company will not stop developing title Xbox 360 and the PS3, despite already making "Assassin's Creed: Unity" an Xbox One and PS4 exclusive.

"We will have games for PS3 and 360 for this year and probably the years after," Raynaud told Edge. "We want to be able to provide games to people who are playing on these consoles. Black Flag was the first Assassin's Creed game of this new generation but it was designed with that in mind, but I wouldn't say it was a cross-generation game, as it has features that could only be for this generation."

Raynaud explained Ubisoft doesn't believe by creating titles for both generations of gaming consoles they are placing restrictions on gamers.

 "It's a choice - even when you do a game that has old-gen and new-gen versions, we decide which one is lead," he said. "So if you decide that new gen is lead for all of your games, then you have no restrictions at all - you're just saying that the other generation will maybe not be able to have everything but still be a better game than we're used to having on this generation. We never made choices on Assassin's Creed or Watch Dogs where because we have this other generation we couldn't put something in the game. It would be a very bad call from a company and brand perspective."

Along with making games for both console, the Ubisoft executive also confirmed the company will continue to release yearly "Assassin's Creed" games, so long as the fan interest in the series is still there.

 "We are able to offer people a new Assassin's Creed every year because they want Assassin's Creed every year," Raynaud told Edge. "As long as this is true we would be very stupid to not satisfy this need, but it puts a lot of pressure on us to create something that will never disappoint."