A California lawmaker is proposing a bill that would bring about the end of SeaWorld's ocra shows.
Assemblyman Richard Bloom from Santa Monica has introduced a bill that would ban the marine-life amusement park SeaWorld from using orcas in performances, KXTV reported.
The Democrat assemblyman was inspired to push the bill after a 2013 documentary revealed how orcas, or killer whales, are treated at the park. The documentary, titled "Blackfish," exposed details in the death of Dawn Brancheau, a trainer who was killed by an orca at a SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida.
The movie has drawn international attention and criticism of SeaWorld's handling of killer whales in captivity, NBC News reported.
If passed, the unprecedented legislation would also ban SeaWorld from breeding orcas as well as exporting and importing them. The whales would still be allowed to be displayed in an aquarium, but not used for any performances, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.
SeaWorld released a statement slamming Bloom for his bill, and for being influenced by "extreme animal rights activists, many of whom regularly campaign against SeaWrold and other accredited marine mammal parks and institutions," SeaWorld spokesman David Koontz told KXTV.
Kootz said some of those extremists include "activists that partnered with PETA in bringing the meritless claim that animals in human care should be considered slaves under the 13th amendment of the US constitution- a clear publicity stunt," Koontz said.
SeaWorld said it makes sure all of its animals are well taken care of, in spite of what supporters of "Blackfish" may believe.
"SeaWorld is a global leader in the zoological and animal welfare word," the park said in a Friday statement obtained by NBC News. "We are deeply committed to the health and well-being of all our animals and killer whales are no exception."