Iran has reportedly conveyed to the US, through intermediaries, that any direct strike on Iranian soil would result in Tehran retaliating against American assets in the Middle East, potentially escalating tensions between the two sides.

In light of the recent incident involving the deaths of three US troops, Iran is closely monitoring US President Joe Biden's response.

Iran Warns of Retaliation If US Reponds to Death of American Soldiers


(Photo : FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian is seen prior to a meeeting on the situation in Gaza Strip on the sidelines of a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, at the United Nations Offices, in Geneva, on December 12, 2023.

The United States has attributed their deaths to a militia supported by Tehran and operating out of Syria. There have been over 160 attacks of varying seriousness on US bases in Syria and Iraq since Hamas's assault on Israel on October 7.

In the midst of concerns over potential US retaliation, the Iranian rial has reached its lowest value in four decades compared to the dollar. Despite this, Tehran continues to assert that the attack was carried out by independent "resistance groups," which is their usual response to US allegations of supporting and training these groups to create military unrest in the region.

Hamas has been classified as a terrorist organization by both the United States and the European Union.Iran's national currency has experienced a significant decline of 15% since October 7. The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, expressed his concern about the impact of inflation on living standards during a meeting with business leaders.

He emphasized the need for stricter controls on liquidity, as the upcoming nationwide parliamentary elections in November approach. The current inflation rate stands at a staggering 40%. Now, Iranian media is openly discussing the potential reprisals, drawing heavily from US media reports.

Both parties have made it clear that they do not desire an all-out war. However, Tehran firmly believes that any US aggression on its soil will be met with a suitable retaliation. In the midst of escalating tensions, the Iranian foreign ministry called upon the British ambassador, Simon Shercliff, on Tuesday. Their demand was clear - an end to the UK's allegations of Iran's alleged intimidation of Iranian dissidents residing in Britain.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Iranian foreign minister, expressed optimism about the ongoing developments in the region, suggesting that they were favoring Iran. According to him, it was clear to the White House that resolving the ongoing violence in Gaza and the wider Middle East required a political approach.

During a meeting between Iran's deputy interior minister, Seyyed Majid Mirahmadi, and his Syrian counterparts, the ongoing crisis was discussed. Mirahmadi expressed confidence in the "axis of resistance" and its imminent victory, as the possibility of a US attack on Iranian positions in Syria loomed.

The White House announced on Tuesday that President Biden has personally reached out to the families of all three individuals. They have graciously accepted his invitation to attend the solemn "dignified transfer" ceremony, which will take place upon the arrival of their loved ones' remains at Dover Air Force Base in the United States.

According to Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani, the militias operate independently and do not follow orders from Iran. However, it is widely acknowledged that Tehran has been heavily involved in the attacks on US targets.

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Biden's Response to US Troops' Death

Per The New York Times, Biden's aides have acknowledged that the administration's attempts to retaliate against drone and missile attacks in the region, with the goal of restoring deterrence, have been unsuccessful. Iran has indicated that any military actions conducted within its borders would be considered a significant violation.

According to Jeremy Bash, a former CIA chief of staff, escalation is inevitable.After Biden's announcement, it is expected that retaliation will commence in a few days, coming in waves and targeting a variety of locations. The campaign team is optimistic that the president's extensive experience and strong connections in the Middle East will sway undecided voters, as they perceive his demeanor and capabilities to be reassuring.

For years, the Pentagon and State Department have dedicated extensive efforts to developing various scenarios and compiling lists of potential targets. The United States has successfully identified the key players involved in the production of drones. These factories, along with their international suppliers, have been found to be aiding Russia in Ukraine and supplying weapons to the Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

According to American officials, it is believed that Sunday's attack was carried out by a drone manufactured in Iran. There are plans in place at the Pentagon for potential strikes on Iranian missile sites and air bases, should a conflict arise between Iran and Israel. Israel has recently conducted a series of notable bombing operations, targeting the Natanz nuclear site and the underground facility at Fordow.

The United States has developed a cyberattack strategy known as 'Nitro Zeus' that can be used against Iran. An extensive cyberattack would render Iran's air defenses, communications systems, and vital sections of its power grid inoperable, Daily Mail reported.

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