Teacher 50 Shades of Grey: Teen's Reading List Included Sex Book (VIDEO)

Maya Ladson wants her son's high school math teacher fired. In March she discovered the teacher bought "Fifty Shades of Grey" for an in-class reading for her 14-year-old son.

Philip Aidoo, a math teacher at Eastern University Academy Charter School in Philadelphia, was suspended for a week without pay but Ladson said that was enough.

The book, dubbed the name "mommy-porn", was given to her son after he requested it for his reading list.

The freshman student told his mother that Aidoo asked the teen what he wanted to read for his independent reading period in class. The teacher and n advisor asked the students to list books they would like to read on their own and the student said "Fifty Shades of Grey."

Ladson told NBC10.com that "the minute I found out about it, it raised concern. This is not OK to me. This is major. It clearly states on the cover that the book is for mature audiences and has high sexual content."

Ladson is aware that her son asked for the book but said she feels pornographic material and material with sexual content should not have been distributed to students.

The teacher claims he did not know what the book is about.

The school released a statement saying that "unfortunately, Mr. Aidoo did not have an awareness of this popular book and ordered it with his own money."

Supposedly, the teacher went online to buy the book and did not get consent from Ladson. The school held a meeting earlier in the week with parents to tell them about the situation.

Yvonne Turner, Chief Operating Officer at the high school, said even though this is a serious situation she does not believe it warrants a termination and said the school has heard nothing but high praises for the teacher.

Ladson told NBC10 she is planning on protesting outside the school on Monday.

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