Many people are still debating if roundabouts are an effective solution to prevent road accidents in the U.S.
Of course, this road junction has its pros and cons. But, it seems like roundabouts' beneficial factors overwhelm its weaknesses.
Are Roundabouts the Best Solution for US Road Accidents?

According to Time Magazine, almost 43,000 Americans were killed in car accidents in 2022.
Based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's data, road deaths are just as many as those killed by guns.
In 2021, more than 7,000 U.S. residents died just by walking on sidewalks. Numerous experts said that road accidents are likely to kill 1 in 93 Americans.
Unlike the U.S., other countries, such as France, made efforts to make their roads safer. They are implementing speed limits on minor roads, installing speed cameras, as well as build roundabouts.
Daniel Knowles, a well-known American author behind the "Carmageddon: How Cars Make Life Worse and What to Do About It," said that roundabouts are effective because they force drivers to slow down.
Aside from slowing cars, Knowles also said that roundabouts help reduce congestion since slow vehicles need less stopping distance.
Another benefit that roundabouts offer is reducing carbon emissions. Since cars are going slowly, they tend to burn less fuel, leading to fewer carbon emissions.
Pros and Cons of Roundabouts

Aside from the good things above mentioned by Knowles about roundabouts, the Washington State Department of Transportation provided other pros of this road junction that you need to know:
- Roundabouts improve the safety of drivers and pedestrians; 37% reduction in overall collisions; 90% percent reduction in fatality collisions; 40% reduction in pedestrian collisions; and 75% reduction in injury collisions.
- Smoother vehicle redirection on roads.
- Vehicles will have no stop light to beat, helping them avoid accidents.
- Roundabouts help government officials save money from building traffic lights and hiring traffic men.
Of course, roundabouts still have their cons, such as the following:
- Building roundabouts on high-speed roads requires a larger area, which can be pretty expensive.
- More directional and warning signs are needed to ensure that drivers are aware of the roundabout.
- Roundabouts are not that safe when it comes to cyclists and motorcycle riders.
- Very large roundabouts cause problems for entering vehicles due to the high circulating speeds of other cars within the road junction.