On Tuesday, House Democrats rejected claims that "ss schemes," including Hunter Biden's business dealings that would affect US foreign policy, were at play.
The House Oversight and Reform Committee looked at a resolution of inquiry that requests that President Biden disclose all records that are in his control regarding the commercial affairs of Hunter Biden and other Biden family members and associates about several corporations. Resolutions of inquiry must be discussed in committee and are privileged.
Lindsey Graham: Hunter Biden's Laptop is 'Real'
However, after nearly two hours of discussion, the committee decided against passing the resolution. Republicans claimed that Hunter Biden's business dealings at best demonstrate how he was able to profit handsomely from using his father's name, and at worst suggest that he may be improperly influencing President Joe Biden's foreign policy.
Others have raised concerns about how President Biden's foreign policy may have been influenced by the fact that Hunter Biden made money in China and Ukraine, according to material found on his laptop. Republicans have disputed President Biden's frequent claims that he is unaware of his son's actions, as per Fox News.
The GOP's goals, according to chairperson Carolyn Maloney, are misplaced, and they are merely trying to "smear" President Joe Biden and help former president Donald Trump by focusing on his personal life.
Even though the resolution was unsuccessful, it is just another indication that if House Republicans regain control this fall, they want to utilize their investigative authority to focus on President Joe Biden's son. Republicans have already written the administration hundreds of letters asking for details on the matter, and Comer has said that he intends to drag Hunter Biden before the committee for legislative hearings.
The Joe Biden administration was urged to establish a special counsel to look into Hunter Biden on Monday by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other prominent Senate Republicans, who claimed it was vital to do so to prevent the impression of improper behavior. More than 30 Republicans, including McConnell, John Thune, the Republican whip in the Senate, and Sen. John Cornyn, signed the letter, according to CNN.
Hunter Biden's laptop is real, according to South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, and any criminal activity by the president's son needs to be looked into by an unbiased special counsel. According to Graham, who made an appearance on 'Fox & Friends' on Tuesday, 32 senators concur that the younger Biden's dealings merit the same level of scrutiny as Robert Mueller's investigation of the role that Russia played in the 2016 presidential election.
The motivation for the protection was highlighted in the letter as a lack of public faith in authorities as a result of the politicization of the Justice Department under Garland's leadership. Hunter Biden is the subject of an inquiry being led by the US Attorney for Delaware, a Trump appointment, who recently paid the IRS $2 million to avoid prosecution, Bizpac Review reported.
FBI Agent Who Suppressed Info About Hunter Biden is Accused of Misconduct
Meanwhile, when he was the lead investigator in a prominent political corruption case that brought an end to a congressman's career, the former FBI special agent who allegedly suppressed information about Hunter Biden was also accused of flirting with a witness and hiding her sexual relationship with one of his agents.
After being accused of unethical behavior during the investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop after it was left off at a computer repair shop in Delaware, Timothy Thibault, 55, is now the subject of a growing scandal.
In the lead-up to the 2020 elections, Thibault, one of the 13 special agents tasked with investigating the contents of the computers, is accused of mislabeling harmful content as disinformation and attempting to halt a stream of unfavorable information.
Thibault's professional integrity has been seriously questioned previously, so this is not new. He was accused of a complete failure to uphold proper boundaries in an investigation in 2009, and because of his behavior, which was so heinous, the defense team in a famous corruption case used it as justification to demand a fresh trial, as per Daily Mail.
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