In an article that revealed that the president now shuffling and that workers are concerned he may fall over wires, The New York Times once more raised the possibility that Joe Biden might be too old to compete for re-election.
Biden, 79, has reportedly lost energy, and some of his staff claim he often shuffles when walking, raising concerns that he will fall on a wire, in addition to frequently stumbling over his words when giving speeches in public.
Voters Regret Voting Joe Biden in 2020 Election
Biden's staffers admitted to the liberal New York Times that they often hold their breath throughout his speeches in anticipation of whether he would finish without making a mistake. The Times has recently started doubting Biden's suitability for office, a sharp change from its vociferous backing of him in the lead-up to the 2020 race.
Baker also talked to Democratic strategists who are worried that Biden should not run for re-election to the White House for a term that will expire when he is 86 years old. Since before he was elected, President Joe Biden, the oldest US president in history, faced criticism for both his physical and mental health.
In the events during his presidency, he has made several mistakes, notably on Friday when it appeared like he was reading off a teleprompter. He lost control of his bike last month while riding close to his Delaware beach house, and after the accident, he hopped around to show he wasn't hurt.
Staff members reportedly shuddered at the attention the bike fall tale garnered, and several argued the president is still intelligent and inquisitive, according to The Times. Biden's health is allegedly a delicate topic in the White House, according to aides.
But more than a dozen senior officials and advisers, both current and former, concurred that Biden is focused on his duties as president. They claimed he questions his staff members "smartly" at meetings, interrogates them about contentious issues, and works with them to improve his speeches' weak spots, Daily Mail reported.
Three persons, a Black guy, a trans woman, and a homeless mother, all regret their choice to support Joe Biden for president in the 2020 election, but for different reasons.
Meanwhile, a lifelong Democrat who is a Black father of three claimed that his party has betrayed its commitment to aiding the Black community. And a trans woman admitted to Fox News that after learning that Biden supported a Marxist agenda hostile to freedom she lost interest in him a few months into his administration.
I feel like a lot of Black people are trapped in the vicious cycle of believing what Democrats tell us, Chris McCullough, a father of three, told Fox News. Chris McCullough grew up believing the narrative that the Democrats were the party of inclusivity and were, therefore, the only choice for Black voters.
For the majority of her life, Zoe Nicholson, a transgender artist and art educator from St. Louis, was not very political. But she has always had a strong belief in people's rights and obligations.
Nicholson claimed that she chose Biden because he was a reliable and boring choice. But once he took office, she began to regret having supported him since he "is essentially spreading Marxist principles in our country," according to Fox News via MSN.
Nicholson thinks a sizable portion of the Democratic Party has been taken over and seized by Marxists, even though she thinks there are still some Democrats who support individual liberty.
Nicholson believes that the outbreak was a result of Democrat-driven government overreach and that the Biden administration's economic policies stifle free-market enterprise. She added that seeing cancel culture gave her the impression that the left did not reflect her personality.
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Poll: Americans Don't Want Joe Biden To Be Re-elected
The national average gas price was $4.72 on Friday, up 50% from the same day last year. According to the Department of Labor, inflation reached an all-time high of 8.6 percent in June.
More than seven in ten Americans say they do not want President Biden to run for re-election. Only 29% of Americans think Biden should run for president in 2024, according to the Harvard CAPS-Harris study, The Hill reported a week ago.
The reasons given by those opposed to a second run varied, with 45 percent citing his poor performance as president. One in three people said the president was too elderly to continue, and 25% said they just wanted a change.
The survey will undoubtedly fuel rumors from agitated Democrats who want to shoo Biden off the stage. A few weeks after what is anticipated to be a complete Democratic victory in the 2022 midterm elections, the president will be 80 this year. According to polls, his approval ratings are severely depressed, as per New York Post.
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