Red Light Secrets Museum In Amsterdam Gives Unique Look At Legal Prostitution

Red Light Secrets Museum of Prostitution in Amsterdam allows visitors more insight about the area filled with prostitution and the prostitutes that live and work there without actually having to visit the area, the Associated Press reported.

Organizer Melcher de Wind said the museum is great for those who don't actually want to visit the prostitution spots and is located in a former brothel in Amsterdam, according to the AP.

The beginning of the tour starts with a beckoning hologram of a prostitute followed by a short film about the prostitution community which has been legal since 2000, the AP reported.

The museum does not reach back into the origins of prostitution in the Netherlands and chooses to focus instead on the more present topics surrounding prostitution, according to the AP.

In a hallway of the museum, a whiteboard can be seen informing who is working in which room on certain days with the actual time for the sex appointment, the AP reported. Visitors can also pose in an actual red light window.

The tour moves on to a workroom called peeskamer in Dutch where an escort who leads a sex-worker union, Ilonka Stakelborough, talks about the type of rooms used in the red light district and how they need a revamping, the AP reported.

The beds shown in the work rooms are low to the ground and every room has a sink with a cabinet consisting of sec toys, condoms, lubricants and cleansers, according to the AP.

As visitors leave the museum, a wall filled with quotes from prostitutes emerges, the AP reported. One quotes read "This job is not for the faint-hearted, I have become much harder," while another says "It makes me feel lonely my mother doesn't know what I do."

Visitors are encouraged to write their own sex quotes or sexual secrets in a mock-confessional booth before they leave the museum.

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