According to a new CNN/ORC poll, 57 percent of Americans believe there will be some sort of attack in Sochi during the Winter Olympic Games only two days away.
The survey reveals Americans worries about safety during the games and involved more than 1,000 Americans and was conducted Friday and Sunday, CNN reported. Pollers also showed negative views towards Russia and its President, even though past polls have shed a positive light on Russia.
Currently, 54 percent of Americans have a negative view of Putin placing him among some of the least popular foreign leaders by Americans, according to CNN. The poll was conducted a day after the White House released a statement saying there is a reason to worry about security at the Sochi games.
Fifty-five percent of those polled express negative views of Russia, too, a blow since 2011 when half of Americans surveyed said they viewed the country favorably, CNN reported.
The Russian anti-gay law may be a factor as 86 percent of those polled said they would oppose such a law if were to be passed in the U.S., but 13 percent said they would support it.
All Out, a gay rights group, were demonstrating in 20 cities around the country, including New York, London and St. Petersburg, Russia, against the anti-gay law and calls for Olympic sponsors to denounce the laws, CNN reported.