According to a study. cells age faster that is aggravated by the exposure to pollutants that have a direct effect. The environment has become toxic and it directly affects our cells with the subtle alteration from continual exposure to the elements. 

Change is inevitable and human bodies react to detrimental changes in the environment. These changes are more skin-deep that can't be seen by the naked eye.

Examples of these elements assaulting the human body are ultra-violet rays, cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals, and other more lethal elements. Take these into account and it shows how much change they cause.

What are the actual agents of change of those alterations that have a direct effect and are seen more than skin deep?

Compromising the DNA

Keeping tissues healthy and DNA unchanged would make aging in constant pace, but that would be not possible now. Several factors have arisen that are working to compromise DNA and tissues, identified by researchers.

According to a new study done by a researcher from West Virginia University, Eric E. Kelley working with Minnesota University. He said that environmental exposure produces free radicals inside our bodies, which in turn will negatively affect our DNA and tissues. When DNA is broken, then expect aging to move along faster, reported SciTech Daily.

The scientists used genetically modified mice that had a protein missing from the DNA causing cells to age faster. Proteins that should be present in their hematopoietic stem cell (immature immune cells) develops into white blood cells but exposure to pollutants occurs. It is needed to effect repair of damaged DNA via immune cells, cited WVNews.

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Findings from the experiment show signs connected to aging wherein a 5-month-old mouse is about two years old. This is all because of the inability of the body to repair broken DNA, noted Longevity Tech. 

The marker for aging was found or senescence, cell damage, also oxidation of cells of lab mice compared to wild-type mice. Damage was induced to the immune system as they aged faster resulting to bad organs like the liver and kidneys.

The hypothesis from all the procedures done on the mice shows how bodies can age faster.

What causes a change in cells and DNA

Pollutant exposure is the cause of major change from any radiation like cancer therapy. Water is affected by energy that evaporates it releasing free radicals that gain or lose a molecule and an electron.

Now it acts on the DNA by altering the crucial biomolecules to keep the cell in working order.

He added that exposure to pollutants is inevitable, more lifestyles bring people into contact with the pollution that creates more free radicals. Activities like smoking, drinking, chemicals, and others are affecting cells and tissues.

Pollutants are not the only cause for the creation of free radicals, but it is converting food to energy contributes too, called oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria will do that but only for a certain amount of free radical. A little too much of drinking and smoking will result to failure of mitochondria to dispatch them.

The assault of free radicals can damage the tissues despite the anti-oxidant defenses. One damage to tissues and DNA that happens to have anti-oxidants that will be next to useless. Cells age faster despite all measures that will lessen exposure to pollutants, which is inevitable.

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