As a formal response to a question regarding whether Catholic clergy have the authority to bless gay unions, the Vatican declared on Monday that the Catholic Church will not bless same-sex marriage emphasizing that God 'cannot bless sin.'
Vatican Says No to Same-Sex Marriage
In the two-page explanation of the orthodox office of the Vatican that was published in seven languages, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith answered and declared that same-sex marriage is not welcome in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis also approved the declaration and mentioned that it was negative.
According to Associated Press, the note distinguished between the welcoming and blessing of gay individuals by the church, wherein they mentioned that they upheld but not their union. The explanation also pointed out that such unions are not part of the plan of God and that any sacramental recognition of them could be confused with marriage.
Moreover, the note did not only immediately pleased conservatives and disheartened advocates for LGBT Catholics but also threw a wrench in the debate within the German church. The German church has been at the forefront of opening discussion on hot issues, such as the teaching on homosexuality of the church.
Meanwhile, the executive director of New Ways Ministry, Francis DeBernardo, who is an advocate for the greater acceptance of gays in the church shared that he predicted that the Vatican position would be ignored. He also added that it also includes the position of numerous Catholic clergy.
In his statement, DeBernardo shared that Catholic people recognize the holiness of the love between committed same-sex couples. They also recognize that this love was divinely inspired and divinely supported and thus meets the standard to be blessed.
But despite the fact that the Vatican holds that gay individuals must be treated with dignity and respect, they emphasized that gay sex is "intrinsically disordered. The document that they released also mentioned that based on Catholic teachings, marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman, which is part of the plan of God as it is intended to start creating new life, CNN reported..
In addition, the document also states that since gay unions are not intended to be part of the plan of God, they cannot be blessed by the church. Despite the presence of positive elements and the fact that they are valued and appreciated, it cannot justify to render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial blessing as it is not ordered to the plan of the Creator, the document stated.
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On the other hand, Pope Francis has endorsed previously providing gay couples with legal protections in a same-sex marriage, however, it was clarified that it was in reference to the civil sphere, but not within the church. The said comments of the pontiff were made in a 2019 interview but were censored by the Vatican until it was revealed in a documentary last year.
As the documentary fudged the context of same-sex marriage, Pope Francis was referring to the position he took when he was the archbishop of Buenos Aires. At the time, lawmakers in Argentina were considering approving gay marriage, which was opposed by the Catholic Church, NPR reported.
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