The Chinese plane and U.S. recon plane were in the same air defense zone, said the Taiwanese military. Increased sorties by the Chinese Air Force in recent days after threats of independence can be felt.

The People's Liberation Army Air Force (P.L.A.A.F.) has been testing the air defenses of Taiwan. After the U.S. administration's change, this can be interpreted as a probe to test their resolve.

A.D.I.Z. violations by China

Last Sunday, another penetration of Taiwanese airspace by six Chinese fighter aircraft was detected; one of the American reconnaissance aircraft was monitoring them. According to the island's defense ministry, these U.S. flights are kept of the press most of the time. This kind of revelations are rare on their side, reported Reuters.

Tensions have been continual in the Taiwan Straits and the Pratas Islands, which Beijing wants to occupy as one of the many islands in the South China Sea. China is claiming the right to the flyover and getting the Pratas because of their Nine-Dash Line.

Sparking the Indo-Pacific activity in this region are several Chinese Fighters and bombers who got too close to Taiwan territory last weekend.

 U.S. flexes its military

 Since last year, the U.S. Navy has been in the Indo-Pacific region and multiple carrier battle groups, which have incensed Beijing. But, the U.S. said that it is in international waters and proclaimed freedom of navigation too. They are calling the claims of China bogus in the S.C.S. The presence of Chinese planes, and a U.S. recon plane is expected.

 Also read: Taiwan Getting More Accurate Missiles to Arm F-16s and Sink the PLAN


 Since Taiwan has an unofficial alliance with the U.S., it supports the island with arms sales to defend itself. Chinese incursions were lodged by diplomatic protests by the former Trump administration too. Most of the time, China's movements were time without an American presence.

 Planes identified by Taiwan

 The Defence Ministry recognized several types of Chinese aircraft that penetrated the Pratas islands last Sunday. According to the Taiwanese, there were about four J-11 fighters and a Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft inside A.D.I.Z. of the Pratas Islands.

 One occasion was a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft up and looking at what the P.L.A.A.F. was up to. The surveillance plane was in the southwestern part zone, pinging the activities of the Chinese air force. I was not told if there was more than one U.S. plane active in Pratas airspace.

 Taiwan kept the activities of the U.S.

 When Chinese air force planes (P.L.A.A.F.) ramped up their probing flights of Taiwan in the middle of September, a rare admission of the U.S. shadowing and maybe getting intel from the P.L.A.A.F. is unexpected.

Usually, the only way any American air and naval activity will be heard is through diplomats and security agencies, but Taiwan officials will keep the info to themselves.

Because of Beijing's One China policy that prevents any country from recognizing Taiwan as an independent country, the United States is backing Taiwan. It sells weapons for self-defense, not aggression. However, the C.C.P. has been looking into how the U.S. will respond without the former president's policy.

 China's reaction is standard. Sending Chinese planes and one U.S. recon plane has been the norm. Mostly saber-rattling and intimidation by Beijing to scare the Republic of China (Taiwan).

 Related article: Taiwan Gets Surprise Visit From US Navy, Reported Officials