Mankind's activities have always affected Mother Nature like global warming with rapid climate change manifesting inerratic occurrences in the ecosystem. In the Arctic, the release of Antarctic Bottom water is happening after half a century.

 These unprecedented measurements have shown that the densed  water flowing from Antarctica is impacting the environment. Overall, the effect is causing changes that are beginning to be understood by scientists. Its ticker is it has been happening undetected for 50-years, reported Phys Org.

The hidden continent has more climatic secrets

Cold densed water formed in the chilly arctic region. It is water critical to oxygenating the deep ocean. It critically supports life as well. This kind of water is a vital link in a global network of ocean currents that has a direct effect on the climate and weather.

Another is it holds heat and carbon dioxide in a tenuous balance. If this layer is disturbed and more bottom water is added. Introduce entropy on the global climate and a delicate deep ocean ecosystem.

 According to Dr. Alessandro Silvano, the lead in a study about this change. A paper in the journal Nature Geoscience outlines the consequence of more dense water that will be critical to the deep Indian and Pacific Oceans. Quoting him, "Over the past 50 years of oceanographic campaigns we have seen a reduction in the amount of dense water reaching the deep ocean." He added, "This trend was mysteriously interrupted in 2018."
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Several conclusions show bizarre wind patterns in the Arctic have altered ocean currents around the Ross Sea that forms bottom water or dense water. Aberrant wind patterns and currents have changed the cycles of cooling and freezing. More cooling and chilling cause the water to be heavier and denser. Then sinks in the deep ocean. It upsets the balance set by nature, if this happens expect anomalies.

He added the combination of two climate processes is the cause of why deep water is getting dumped into the deep ocean. Another is an El Niño occurrence that happens simultaneously, which brings in strong and southbound winds. These processes can affect the climate and processes in the Antarctic.

Annie Foppert, the co-author from the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership and CSIRO's Centre for Southern Hemisphere Oceans Research, stated that for 50 years the discontinued formation of dense water has caused the melting of the ice sheet, noted Eurekalert.

She added that increase dense water deposited is powerful enough to affect the climate in the Arctic strongly. Altering the climate and upsetting the climate balance.

 Silvano gave a dire warning for allowing the Antarctic Ice Sheet to melt via global warming. The ice sheet is there for a reason, it is disappearing that will affect the deep oceans. This includes a delicate balance that must be kept. The release of dense water will forever change the deep ocean.

One thing to worry is if the changes cannot be reversed. Entropy is introduced and human-induced change is derailing the distribution of bottom water in the deep ocean. He added the only way to do something is to know about it.

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