The Disney Channel show "Good Luck Charlie" became the first series on the network to feature two gay parents on their show.
Susan and Cheryl were introduced in a Jan. 26 episode of the show as Charlie's friend Taylor's parents. Charlie's parents, Bob and Amy, believed they had both met Taylor's mom, but Amy was certain Bob was mistaken. The couple didn't realize Taylor had lesbian parents until they both showed up at their door.
"Taylor has two moms," Bob said.
"Wow, nothing gets past you, Bob," Amy responded.
Disney announced they would be airing the episode in June 2013.
"This particular storyline was developed under the consultancy of child development experts and community advisors," a Disney Channel spokesperson told TV Guide. "Like all Disney Channel programming, it was developed to be relevant to kids and families around the world and to reflect themes of diversity and inclusiveness."
However, a mother's advocate group OneMillionMoms, which dedicates their time to cleaning up television shows for their children, tried to stop the show from airing. OneMillionMoms claimed Disney had no right to air a same-sex couple during family-friendly programming.
"Just because something may be legal or because some are choosing a lifestyle doesn't make it morally correct," the advocate group stated on their website. "Disney should stick to entertaining instead of pushing an agenda. Disney decided to be politically correct versus providing family-friendly programming."
OneMillionMoms claimed the subject of same-sex parents is too complicated for their children to be exposed to and shouldn't be brought up on a network designed for kids.
OneMillionMoms was ultimately unsuccessful with their attempt to block the "Good Luck Charlie" episode from airing, but released a statement on their Facebook page about their "success" for blocking out advertisers for the show:
"'Good Luck Charlie' episode featuring 2 moms as a same-sex couple aired last night. 1MM is disappointed in Disney, but heard you loud and clear and did not sponsor the program nor did any other company. Thank you for your help!"
What do you think about "Good Luck Charlie" featuring a same-sex couple? Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below.