In different countries, there are rules about what you can and can't do in a public place. To make sure you are following the correct rules when you are traveling, here's our guide to a few of these.
Public displays of affection are widespread in our culture. Holding hands, a kiss on the cheek, little moments where you show the other person that you love them. In some countries, however, this behavior is frowned upon and even illegal.
In India, for example, kissing in public is a serious offense under the Indian penal code, and a 3-month jail sentence is a punishment if arrested.
Arabic Nations
In Arabic countries, men holding hands is considered a mark of solidarity and is strongly recommended by straight men only. Holding hands with a person of the opposite gender is a crime that incurs hefty fines or even deportation.
According to the https://matadornetwork.com/read/pda-etiquette-around-world-need-know/, showing affection in Japan isn't illegal. However, it's a nation that prides itself on emotional reservations, and if you kiss another person, you'll be looked down on.
Walking down the street drinking from a bottle of beer is not something you'd want to risk at home. There are some countries in the world where drinking in a public area is quite acceptable. You probably still wouldn't want to do it early in the morning, but here's where it's ok:
Surprisingly enough, you can drink anywhere you like in public, as long as it's not on the underground train system. While it's technically not legal, police turn a blind eye to it. If now and again they ask you to stop, do it. There will be no arrest.
Thailand has some interesting rules regarding alcohol. For example, you can't buy it between 2 pm and 5 pm. There are some places you absolutely can't drink, like temples and parks. The good news, though, according to Jonesy at https://jonesyinthailand.com/culture/drinking-culture/ is that street drinking is perfectly legal, and you'll see it everywhere.
Ok, so you can't kiss your girlfriend in a public place, but go ahead and drink alcohol, no problem. It's very common to see people gathered around tables in public and drinking together, well into the early hours of the morning.
You've heard that saying 'when in Rome, do what the Romans do". Drinking in public is only illegal if you are under-age. So next time you're in Italy, act like a local and drink up! It would be rude to do otherwise, right?
Many countries have legalized marijuana, and this also includes smoking small amounts in public.
In Canada, where it's recently been legalized, slowly, more and more provinces are allowing public smoking. The gang at https://www.cannacabana.com still suggest you check with the local authorities to make sure it's ok in the territory you are in.
The Netherlands
Famous for their 'coffee shops' that don't actually sell coffee. You can smoke in The Netherlands in these coffee shops without any penalty. It's not yet legal in public areas, but locals believe this will change soon.
In the north of Spain in the Catalonia area, there are smoking clubs. This widespread industry has helped make marijuana more recognized, and now you can pretty much light-up anywhere without any penalty.
Do's and Dont's in Public
So there you have it. When traveling, if you want to show affection to your loved one, you're best avoiding India, Arabic countries, and Japan. Most of the rest of the world welcomes your PDAs.
Drinking alcohol in most public places is a very common past-time in England, Thailand, Japan, and Italy. As for marijuana, feel comfortable smoking in Canada, The Netherlands, and Spain, with more countries soon to follow.