Microsoft has been quick to address the power troubles surrounding its tablet item. Although no information has been disclosed with regards to the extent of the battery issue, the Redmond-based organization has issued a systems upgrade to alleviate the concern.

Earlier, a number of owners and purchasers of the Surface Pro 3 have been anxious about the cell technicalities of their devices after founding out that their batteries are no longer charging.

Although no glitch has been seen during the refurbishment process, the power cell eventually drains out faster than projected. In an investigation, the tech company says that a complication along the power device affected the transmission of data to the operating system. This means that wrong information is being fed into the firmware. The battery is unable to function properly since it hasn't been charged.

The release of a new update will rectify automatically the recharging and discharging cycles. Within this context, the Pro 3 will resume normal operations through its battery.

The firmware glitch has been initially discovered by a certain Neowin who declared that power issues have hampered LGC batteries. Users have asserted that units charged to 100 percent conked out in just a couple of hours. Others have shared that their batteries don't recharge. Some even need to plug their tablets in order to function.

In a statement, Microsoft has downplayed that its software updates last August 29 caused the battery woes. The tech team further adds that the cause of the problem is currently being determined.

This November, the re-upped firmware has passed the testing and quality assurance procedures. Microsoft has advised users to plug in their devices into AC outlets prior to installing the new software. There is also a need to disconnect USB and related external items from the tablet. The unit must have at least 40 percent power before update installation starts.

The Surface Pro 3 is providing high profits for the software giant firm. Its entry into the market has given Apple's iPad Pro a tough competition.