Android 7.0 Nougat: Sony Releases Concept For Android For Xperia X, Where to Get? How to Install?

Sony has been experimenting with the different take on Android for the last year. The company calls it - Concept for Android Program. This program gives Sony a place to test out new features for its phones with a sharp build of Android. The Xperia X users in Europe can now download the latest Concept for Android.

If you want to use this program then there may be some restrictions on the certain mobile networks or if you've got the proper device in Europe, you can get the Concept Installer app from the Play Store to opt into the test. Then Sony will update your phone to the new build as written on Android Police.

Sony's Concept for Android is now available for Xperia X users in Europe as Sony mentioned on their blog post. The new nougat concept says that a sneak-peek at some of the latest features will be part of future Xperia products.

They have also mentioned that the phone will be updated with Android 7.0, Nougat that will include new native features such as multi-window support and improved notifications. Users will also have the access to Sony's inTouch community with providing direct access to software engineers and a chance to influence development & coming releases.

To install Sony's Android Concept Follow the following steps:

1. Must make sure to backup any data you want to keep before you install the update.

  1. After installation, you must have a Google login details for the first time startup after installation.
  2. After that download Concept Installer application from Google play store.
  3. Then register to install Sony concept for android software.
  4. After registration, you will get software update notification which usually takes 24 hours.
  5. Lastly, proceed to install.

According to Samprix, there are also some benefits of Sony Concept for Android which includes the, frequent software upgrades, always at latest security level and freedom to install/uninstall applications that you can install/remove software's as your wish.

The features also includes, significantly increased amount of user memory and in this concept android program your voice is heard, you can use the feedback option in the app and tell your feedbacks depends on that they improve their services.

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