Steam, the biggest computer games distributor has suffered from a DDoS attack by some Twitter users.
Forbes reported Saturday that the Steam Store has most likely been smacked by Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS), which took down its Store homepage and replaced it with an Error Message.
"Error Code: -118 Unable to connect to server. Server may be offline or you may not be connected to the Internet," the Error Message stated.
DDoS attacks are not really hacks because perpetrators of this act do not steal any personal and confidential information. Instead, they just shut down a specific site or service by flooding it with bogus requests.
Twitter user @chFthecat, along with @LARCENY_, claimed responsibility of the cyber attacks. However, judging while browsing through his tweets, it seems that @chFthecat is just a kid showing off and seeking attention. He doesn't look like someone who can inflict major damage Steam.
The store went back up Friday after the issues were resolved but it seems like @chFthecat isn't happy with it in his tweet: "So Steam got back up, but we just rip'd it again. #pwned courtesy of myself and @LARCENY_." Sad to inform Steam fanatics, the server appears to be down again as of press time.
The video gaming world is still trying to comprehend why there are attacks against computer games. According to, Blizzard, DOTA 2, EA, World of Tanks, and League of Legends have also experienced DDoS attacks last December 31.
The string of unfortunate events in the world of PC gaming is most probably just to make fun, annoy and cause minor headaches to gamers and server administrators. However, it will surely cause a decrease in Valve's Steam's significant income.
It is not clear though on when will the store be up again and Valve has no comments on this yet.