Parents of Finley Bolye, 3, are suing a dentist for allegedly administering improper medications and procedures to their child, causing her to have permanent brain damages.

The dentist involved in the case is Lilly Geyer of Island Dentistry for Children based in Kailua, Hawaii. According to court documents filed by the family’s lawyer, the medications given to Finley caused her to suffer from a cardiac arrest while being treated inside the dental clinic.

The lawsuit was filed on Monday, December 29, in Hawaii’s First Circuit Court. In detail, the lawsuit also alleged that the clinic was not prepared to respond during medical emergencies such as what Finley experienced while she was under medication. The lawsuit also stated that the clinic continued on giving the girl medication with the wrong dosages, thus, causing her brain damages.

Ashley, Finley’s mother, took her daughter to the clinic November of 2013. Geyer told them that Finley needed four root canals and six fillings. She returned with her daughter for the root canal procedure on December, during which, her daughter was allegedly left unmonitored for 26 minutes after being sedated.

Late this December, Finley was moved to a hospice from a hospital. After undergoing four brain scans, the paediatric neurologist attending her case, Dr. Gregory Yen, declared that the girl has suffered from severe brain damage. Yen described the child’s condition to CNN as “persistent vegetative state" since she was brought to the hospital almost a month ago.

Her mother is no longer positive her daughter will ever recover. She told CNN, “She will probably not be with us much longer.” Dr. Yen backed up this statement since the patient’s condition is really difficult.

Meanwhile, Geyer’s attorney did not respond to requests for comments about the case.