The fourth season will be emotional bomb ticking where all the major characters - Boone, Spader, Ulrich Thomsen and Ryan Eggold - will stake claims for their individual reasons.

According to Boone, the controversial faked death by Liz Keen in Season 3 was to protect Agnes from the dangers of her old life and from the manipulative influence of Raymond Reddington.

The happy reunion that would have been a hopeful Season 3 ending for Liz Keen, Tom and Agnes in Cuba was foiled by Alexander Kirk, aka Constantin Rostov, who entered the picture in search of Masha Rostova.

For sure "The Blacklist" Season 4 will return to the issue that Alexander Kirk claims to be the father, Liz Keen had been trying to find. However, Entertainment Weekly highlights that "The Blacklist" Season 4 premiere will also worryingly open with Tom Keen locked up in a darkened trunk.

However, actor Ryan Eggold assures that Tom Keen will be able to escape the danger of his opener in Season 4. More interesting would be is how Ryan Eggold revealed that Tom will be all fired up to get Liz Keen and Agnes back despite interference by Alexander Kirk and Raymond Reddington.

Season 3  viewers can binge-watch this series that may hopefully end with the premiere of fourth season that is only two weeks away.

The show was ranked in the 50 Best TV Shows on Netflix.