Vin Diesel has announced the new release date for the seventh installment of the Fast and Furious series. The film was put on hiatus recently in the wake of lead star Paul Walker's untimely and tragic death in a car accident earlier this month.
Diesel posted the below announcement to his Facebook page with the above picture:
"The last scene we filmed together...
There was a unique sense of completion, of pride we shared... in the film we were now completing... the magic captured,,, and, in just how far we've come...
Fast and Furious 7 will be released...
April 10, 2015!
P.s. He'd want you to know first..."
According to reports, the film was nearly half-way through with being shot when Walker, who plays the lead character Brian O'Connor, died in a car accident while his friend was driving them back from a charity event.
Production of the film was placed on an indefinite hiatus following the accident. Those involved with the film said they needed time to think of a creative yet respectful way to write out Walker's character and determine if any of the existing footage from the film could be used to do that.
It's unclear at this point what role Walker's character will play in the film but the production has apparently been set back by about nine months - the film's original release date as July of 2014. There's no telling for sure at this time the nine months will include reshooting the entire film without O'Connor or if it will be a way to mesh the edited material that the 40-year-old actor had already shot.
Tell us what you think. Would you be able to see a film that wrote out Paul Walker with existing footage that was already shot? Or would you prefer the movie start from scratch in the wake of the actor's sudden death? Comment and share your thoughts on Fast and Furious 7 with us below.