Scarlett Johannson is one of the most successful actresses working in Hollywood today and is the latest woman to open up about the gender pay gap difference in film between men and woman.

In an cover interview with Cosmoploitian managzine, the actress opened up about the taboo subject and admitted that it did not really affect her personally.

"There's something icky about me having that conversation unless it applies to a greater whole," she told the magazine. "I am very fortunate, I make a really good living, and I'm proud to be an actress who's making as much as many of my male peers at this stage ... I think every woman has [been underpaid], but unless I'm addressing it as a larger problem, for me to talk about my own personal experience with it feels a little obnoxious."

While many actresses, including Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams, have spoken out about the salary gap by using their personal experinces in which they were paid less than their male co-stars, Kate Winslet expressed similar feelings about the subject.

"I don't like talking about money; it's a bit vulgar isn't it?" the actress said last November.

Johansson's comments faced some tough criticism from a women's rights group called the Fawcett Society, who said that the actress could offer some real value to the ongoing debate about the salary gap between men and women.

"Scarlett Johansson is right to say her salary isn't typical, but the discrimination that women in the film industry experience is not so far removed from the lived experience of women at every level and the gender pay gap that we see right across our economy," Fawcett Society's chief executive Sam Smethers said. "It's valuable to have high profile celebrities talking about this issue and a reminder to us all that sex discrimination is just that. Even wealthy film stars experience it."

Johansson is one of the rare actresses that does make just as much money as some of her male co-stars. The actress receives just as much compensation as her fellow "Avengers" co-stars Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth, unlike Lawrence, who was paid significantly less than her male "American Hustle" co-stars Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale.