As soon as you wake up in the morning, what do you usually crave: coffee or tea? Those who are into detoxing would shun coffee in favor of tea because the latter is supposedly healthier. However, the 2016 U.S. dietary guidelines recommend coffee as good for your health, too. Thus, the debate about which of these two beverages is better for health remains.

Below is a breakdown between coffee and tea to determine which drink is better for you:

Which Keeps Your Mind Alert?

Coffee lovers maintain that they get through the day better by drinking more caffeine and tea has less of this stimulant. A brewed cup of coffee contains about 75 to 150 mg of caffeine, while a cup of green tea has only about 24 to 45 mg.

But a study revealed that there is little difference between the two drinks in keeping the person alert, sharp-minded and awake. Besides, if you're drinking more than 500 mg of caffeine daily, it's recommended that you cut back on the habit. If you're becoming too restless are getting more headaches, it might be better to switch to tea.

Which Causes Teeth Staining?

The problem with these drinks is that they can result in the staining of your tooth enamels. They can turn your pearly whites into dingy yellows or browns. However, a study on coffee and tea composition pointed out that it's the latter that sticks to the enamels harder. Tea's high tannin content also seems to bind with mouthwash ingredients, thus making the discoloration worse.

So in this case, coffee seems to be the better option. However, regardless if you like coffee or tea, you still have to keep your visits to the dentist regular to maintain your teeth's appearance.

Which Has More Antioxidant Properties?

Both drinks are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body from diseases that can lead to early death. However, coffee is supposedly richer. "We think that since coffee has a lot of those antioxidants, they somehow reduce systematic inflammation, and overall coffee consumption lowers mortality," Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health researcher Ming Ding said.

Yet experts also advise to drink coffee moderately, and if possible, limit milk and sugar or choose black coffee to reap the full benefits.

Which Can Help With Sleep?

Another study suggests that coffee drinkers tend to develop sleep problems more than tea drinkers, perhaps due to the higher caffeine content. Some teas also help you fall asleep and are better than taking sleeping pills. Tea is a better option if you'd like to get good, quality sleep.