Castle Season 6: Will We Get a Caskett Wedding This Season: Questions After First 10 Episodes

Here are questions I have for Season 6 of "Castle" after the first 10 episodes

No. 1-When is the Caskett wedding going to occur?

This is the one question many fans are asking and one question still has not gotten a definitive answer. All we've heard so far is that the plans to get married may run into some problems. So is Alexis really going to sabotage the engagement? Or will it be someone else? Maybe 3XK?

No. 2-Speaking of 3XK, are we going to see him this season?

As I said in my review, Episode 9 was superb with the reintroduction of Jerry Tyson, the 3XK Killer. So is he still alive? If so, what do he and Dr. Neiman have planned? It seemed their plan was to scare Lanie and Esposito in Episode 9? Will Tyson go directly after Beckett and Castle next?

No. 3-Where is the Alexis/Pi relationship going?

I'll admit, at first I thought Pi was quite annoying. However, I don't really mind him now. He and Alexis now live together and the relationship has grown quite serious. So, do the writers plan to make this relationship long term? Also, we haven't seen him in a while. When will Pi next grace us with his cheery presence?

No. 4-Will Senator Bracken return?

Jack Coleman is currently on "Scandal" but will he return as Senator Bracken to give Beckett a chance at avenging her mother's death?

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