Get your popcorn and ectoplasmic containers ready, folks, because the "Ghostbusters" reboot has released its first trailer. "Ghostbuster" purists should recognize some of the delightfully familiar beats: the catchy theme song, Slimer and his...sliming, the Ecto-1, and four paranormal butt kickers. Check it out below.

Director Paul Feig ("Bridesmaids") unveiled the first trailer to a group of 30-plus die-hard fans Wednesday morning on the Sony lot in a brilliant marketing move. Those in attendance were decked out in full Ghostbusters gear, including proton packs, slime throwers and more.

Original director Ivan Reitman joined Feig for this momentous occasion and they were relieved when the excited crowd immediately demanded a second viewing.

"I'm so happy for today, to have you guys applauding the trailer," producer Katie Dippold said. "This man [Feig] has put himself out there, getting the worst tweets. So to see this warm energy from the fans means a lot. He's been thinking of you guys first and foremost."

So what did the event teach us about the new Ghostbusters?

Kristen Wiig plays Erin Gilbert, a particle physicist working at Columbia trying to legitimize the parapsychology field despite overwhelming disbelief from her peers.

Melissa McCarthy plays her lifelong friend Abby Yates who is also an avid follower of the paranormal regardless of how academia views it. Dippols called her "the real-life Dan Akroyd."

Kate McKinnon plays Jillian Holtzman, a cooky engineer who builds all the gear the Ghostbusters need.

Leslie jones plays Patty Tolan, a lonely TMW works who joins the squad after her own first hand ghost sighting.

Chris Hemsworth plays the Ghostbusters' secretary though he isn't the brightest bulb out there. "These women are trying so hard to make this a legitimate business and he's not the most helpful person to be at the front of that," Dippold said.

Feig then spoke at length about how he wanted to do a reboot instead of a sequel. As a self-professed tech nerd, he wanted to see the team develop the gadgets and inventions that would help them do battle with the paranormal instead of getting hand-me-down gear from the previous Ghostbusters squad. "Im completely geeking out over these proton packs in the front of the theater," he said.

"Ghostbusters" will hit theaters on July 15.