Popular YouTube beauty blogger Alyona Yarushina recently uploaded a video to her 160,000 plus subscribers in which she transforms herself into popular model Gigi Hadid using nothing but makeup - and the results are not just incredible, but nearly identical.

Yarushina is known for giving makeup ticks and tips, and showing off her red carpet-worthy contouring skills, but this transformation is seriously unbelievable. The Russian makeup guru already has the blonde hair and put blue contacts in to look just like the 20-year-old model, so that part was easy. She describes Hadid as having a square jaw, a flat chin, superhigh eye brows and very small eyes. With just 11 makeup products and six different brushes, she was able to transform herself with a beautiful contour job.

Yarushina posted a meme of the finished result on Instagram, hilariously stating that she could fake out Hadid's boyfriend Zayn Malik and get backstage passes to one of his concerts because of how much she looks like her. "That photo became a bit popular in instagram," she captioned the meme. "I just need to google who is zayn."

Yarushina isn't the first beauty addict to get in on this trend as several makeup artists have been posting their crazy celebrity transformations for more than a year now. Makeup artist Rebecca Swift is even taking part in a 100-day challenge where she transforms herself into a different celebrity, animal or character each day, according to Cosmopolitan. She's currently on day 82 of the challenge, and her results are mind-blowing.