A new "Dragon Ball" RPG is reportedly making its way to the Nintendo 3DS platform sometime in 2016. The game, which was announced in the latest issue of Japanese magazine V Jump and is said to be called "Dragon Ball: Project Fusion," promises to be something with unlimited possibilities, Anime News Network reported.

The leaked rough drawings of the game, which show Goku and Broly performing a fusion, could provide the ultimate clue as to the nature and the concept of "Fusion's" gameplay. First, there is the "fusion" concept, which could mean the combination of game characters to produce new upgraded heroes. This could be fun, as it could result in strange hero hybrids. Consider, for instance, the outcome if one would combine Bulma and Mr. Popo characters. Fusion will also have a manga adaptation, and this link could have some bearing on the game's narrative. What is clear out of all these information is that the game will be something new for 3DS players.

At this stage, it is still early to judge if the game will be as interesting as the initial releases say it is. As an RPG, "Fusion" could be constrained by the game genre's conventions. There are also those who point out that games from the "Dragon Ball" franchise tend to veer towards the lightweight side. It could draw a few laughs, but not much else, according to Techno Buffalo.