Grimm Season 3: Will Nick Fight Another Grimm?; Questions After the Premiere

Is that family Zombie Nick saw going to be OK? Will the people in the bar be able to recover? The season premiere was a good one and adequately left me with some questions:

No. 1—Will Nick ever have to fight another Grimm?

When Nick goes up against his team next week, they’re going to have a hard time. As you can see from the preview below he’s doing a lot of throwing people into walls and breaking things. It seems like the only person who would be able to beat him is another Grimm. I’m assuming that his friends aren’t going to get the help of another Grimm. However, will Nick ever have to face someone of with the same skills as him?

No. 2—Does the captain’s brother have a back-up plan?

Sean’s brother Eric won’t be happy when he learns his plan to capture the Grimm didn’t go well. However, if he’s resourceful he’ll have a backup plan. What is it?

No. 3—What’s next if Eric dies?

In the season premiere, Sean put out a hit on his brother. I’m not sure if the assassination will succeed. However, if it does, who will be the next big bad?

No. 4—Will there be more team members?

There may come a time when Nick and his team will face an opponent that they won't be able to handle on their own. So will any more Wesen or humans join their team? What about Sergeant Wu?

“Grimm” airs Fridays at 9/8c on NBC.

This story has been updated 1:03 a.m.

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