When it comes to seeking professional advice from strong and independent women in the entertainment business, names like Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Shonda Rhimes and Ellen Degeneres come up - not Amber Rose. Despite her unconventional rise to fame, Rose has decided to offer some non-traditional PG-13 advice to women on how to make money and get ahead in their careers.

In a recent interview with Time to promote her new book "How to be a Bad Bitch," the former stripper model-turned-activist opened up about her financial methods. The 32-year-old said that women should get money "by any means necessary," including using their "seductive skills" to milk money from men.

"As women, we're fortunate enough to use our seductive skills in order to be able to get money from our significant others," she said. "I also talk about seduction in the book. A lot of women don't know how to seduce a man. It is extremely easy once you get to that point, and you can get anything you want out of them. And I know it might sound messed up, but once you get to that point, it's not using."

"It's not using a man, it's literally getting what you want by any means necessary," Wiz Khalifa's ex-wife added.

Although she probably meant to talk about how one manages their finances wisely and provide steps to help women become empowered entrepreneurs, Rose's comments ironically suggested the opposite. Her comments did not sit well with social media users, who believe her advice was setting women back 30 years.

Several social media users called Rose an "idiot," while another wrote, "This is Amber rose and her feminism' meanwhile entire continents of women are fighting for economic independ-ughhh." 

Rose responded to the backlash on her Twitter account, writing, "Lol y'all are so Corny So it's wrong to ask ur "Significant other" (The person u care about) to help u financially so u can reach ur goal?"

The mother of one also shared her views about being a former stripper and how her profession prepared her future career.

"The fact that I was a stripper does not take away the fact that I'm smart, that I am witty, that I am capable of running my own business," she said. "There's famous guys that were drug dealers back in the day, and no one ever brings up that fact. But as a woman, they bring up the fact that I was a hustler. And it's extremely unfair, and I just don't tolerate it."

"Being a dancer definitely was like being in business school. Because I constantly spoke to people. I mean, I literally had to persuade a man to give me money out of his pocket. And I apply that to my daily life."