Drunk Dial Congress Site Urges Shutdown-Weary Citizens to Let Out Frustrations by Taking a Shot, Yelling at a Rep

If you've been affected by the government shutdown, you might be spending more time at home, mowing the lawn at the Library of Congress, or perhaps trying to figure out how to get into national parks and monuments.

Another thing you might be doing is drinking. We understand - these are tough times.

While that shot of Jameson is in your hand, though, why not put the inebriation into action?

A new website wants you to do just that. Drunk Dial Congress matches up random users with members of Congress, giving the public opportunities to voice their grievances freely and openly.

In vino veritas, as the old adage goes.

The idea was hatched by Revolution Messaging, a left-leaning group that produces platforms for political conversations on social media. Founder Scott Goodstein, who worked as the social media leader for President Obama's 2008 campaign told the New York Daily News that this particular endeavor aims to urge Americans to let out their frustration to Congress with some humor added on.

"People are pretty mad about the shutdown," he told the Daily News, adding that he hoped Congress would hear these issues and feel more pressure to get to work.

"Whether you are a furloughed worker, being forced to work for free, or just fed up at Capitol Hill," the website reads, "call and yell at a random member of Congress."

The site also offers a list of drink recipes, including the Southern Congressman, (Jack Daniels and lime juice, naturally,) and the Bloody Bastard, (vodka, grenadine and sour). The Bad Representative is comprised of scotch, brandy, vermouth and lemon.

Photos of an anonymous man holding a brown-bagged Budweiser, slumped over a ledge on Capitol Hill in the rain, are posted on the site.

Head over to Drunkdialcongress.org and check out the site. What would you say to a random member of Congress after having a few adult beverages?

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