Every homeowner must deal with occasional repairs around the house. Not all fixes require the services of a professional, though, especially when the problems are minor. Learning basic home repair skills should be handy so you can keep everything in order.

Below are some of the skills adults living in their own place must learn to do by themselves:

1) Repairing a shower head

Using a wrench and some Teflon tape, replacing an old and dingy shower head should be a cinch. The wrench is for screwing and unscrewing fixtures, while the Teflon tape is for securing the shower pipe. You have to be careful about not damaging all the other fixtures around though, so exercise care working around tiles.

2) Hanging photos or work of art

You may have seen this done in home improvement shows from time to time, and while it looks easy, learning how to properly hang art is an art in itself, according to Thrillist. You have to first make measurements of the wall space so that you'll have an idea where the center area is and where the photo should be placed on an eye level.

3) Fixing clogged toilets

Clogged toilets are a bane, but they're quite easy to fix with the help of a plunger, an auger, rubber gloves and a bucket, according to Bob Vila. Make sure to shut down the water valve first before doing any repairs, and clear out the toilet before using the plunger on it. If the plunger doesn't do the job, use the auger.

4) Stopping faucet leaks and drips

Your faucet may need a new rubber washer to seal the leak, or its O-ring may have to be replaced to stop the drips. At any rate, this is a simple job to do that requires no expensive plumbing service. The job can be done in less than an hour, according to The Family Handyman.

5) Replacing outlets

Some electrical know-how is required for this job, as you have to take note of which wires go with what outlet. There may be some pitfalls if this is done poorly or incorrectly, according to The Circuit Detective. However, you will only need to master a few things to be able to work at it like a pro.