Olive Horrell wanted to see the future. The 97-year-old recently visited Google's headquarters in California, where she was given a VIP tour of the tech giant's latest technology. Her visit was made possible by the Wish of a Lifetime, a nonprofit that grants wishes to senior citizens, as well as Brookdale Senior Living, according to The Huffington Post.

It took Horrell three years to decide what wish she wanted, eventually settling on her simple - yet intriguing - wish. Since she wanted to see the future, Google's headquarters was the perfect place for her wish to come true.

Horrell was born at the end of the First World War, in rural Montana. During that time, she had no electricity, she had no idea what a radio was, and she got around town by horse and buggy. She eventually moved to California when she was 8 years old, where she lived through the Great Depression, reports CNN Money.

During her visit to Google's headquarters, she was able to ride around in a driverless car, create her very own custom Google Doodle, chat with the company's top cloud engineers, and experience the wonders of virtual reality through Google Cardboard.

Her brief trip into the future's offerings was graced by the founder of Wish of a Lifetime founder, Jeremy Bloom, who personally met her as her tour came to an end.

"You're such a gentle soul, it's just been lovely to meet you. Most of the time we aren't seen, as you know," she said, holding Bloom's hand.

For Olive Horrell, the three years it took to come up with a wish did not disappoint. For her, the wait was truly worth it.

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