Heart Attack Grill Owner Displays Dead Customer’s Cremated Remains, Asks Other Restaurants to do the Same

Heart Attack Grill, a restaurant based in Las Vegas, has been very open about the danger that its menu poses to the customers. Now, the restaurant owner who has tried to prove his food's lethal nature is taking his campaign to the next level by showing live on national TV the cremated remains of a former customer.

Jon Basso, founder of Heart Attack Grill, made an appearance on Bloomberg TV's ‘In the Loop' to join Betty Liu on the discussion of his restaurant's fatal menu. He claimed that he could be the only restaurant owner in the world that had the guts to tell everyone that aside from being bad, his food can kill and that everyone is warned to just stay away or better yet, never attempt to try their food at all One of the restaurant's most daring item, the “Quadruple Bypass Burger” is loaded with 10,000 calories. .

Afterwards, he showed off a transparent plastic bag that is filled with a powdery substance. He nonchalantly announced that he's holding the cremated remains of a customer who died at his restaurant because of a heart attack. He placed the bag on the table and has dared McDonald's, Burger King, and everyone else to do the same. He further added that the fast-food industry is indeed grim after Liu gave a shocked reaction knowing that he has actually brought with him the cremated remains of his customer.

Though Basso's latest cremation stunt may have appeared to be his newest move so far, his efforts to warn others of the danger involved in consuming his food are not relatively new. The restaurant owner, more popularly known as someone who wears a doctor's uniform as a way to emphasize his food's medical repercussions, has previously shown some pride in an announcement which claims that people who come over to his grill are described as the ‘avant-garde of risk-takers.' As a special treat, customers weighing 350 pounds or higher get a free meal.

Watch the interview here.

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