An English man decided to investigate what it might feel like to live as a goat, and went on vacation at a goat herd in the Swiss Alps back in September 2014, according to Motherboard.

"My goal was to take a holiday from the pain and worry of being a self-conscious being, able to regret the past and worry about the future," said Thomas Thwaites, who commissioned prosthetic limbs to make the experience more realistic.

Additionally, Thwaites also prepared for the experience by revising the cognitive and physical aspects of what it is like to literally be a goat, according to Mashable.

Besides studying, Thwaites went to a behavioral psychologist and neurologist to study turning off parts of his brain so that he could think more like a goat. He also spoke to an animal locomotion expert to help him nail the goat's movement.

He also met with a biologist who made an artificial rumen (which is a part of a goat's stomach) to help him digest grass.

Thwaites works as a conceptual designer based in England, focusing on technology, science and future research as well as "communicating complex subjects in engaging ways," according to his official website.

Thwaites is set to exhibit photos and other data from his project at Studio 1.1 Gallery in London and will also release a book in the spring called "GoatMan: How I Took a Holiday from Being Human."