Futurama the popular animated series that survived cancellation from Fox after just four seasons wrapped its seventh, and final, season on Comedy Central on Wednesday with a final goodbye for fans of the sci-fi comedy series from creator of "The Simpsons" Matt Groening.
***SPOILER ALERT: The remainder of the article contains spoilers from the finale***
The plot of the finale saw Fry finally popping the question to his long-lasting love interest, the one-eyed mutant Leela. When the proposal goes wrong, Fry is in luck as Professor Farnsworth had created a Time Button that sends people ten seconds into the past. The device takes ten seconds to recharge, solving the problem of stasis, or so the Professor thinks. Without going over the plot of the entire complicated episode scene for scene, it won't surprise long-time fans that Fry abuses the Time Button and the end result is him breaking time itself.
Ultimately the gang manages to save him in what ends up being one of the most heartfelt episodes of the series to date. The show had been criticized for being hit or miss after its switch to Comedy Central. However, for its finale the show reached heights that many thought were out of range for the show, even in its prime. The strong emotional links developed between Fry and Leela throughout the series' run finally came to a head as the two married and grew old together thanks to Fry's meddling with time.
In the end, the Professor shows up to fix the Time Button and sets everything back to the moment just before he invented the Time Button at all. The series, which survived cancellation once owed it to the fans to not close any doors. In fact, in an impressive feat for a series finale, the show was able to open more doors than it closed. By sending the gang back in time, the Professor gives fans the knowledge that the entire cast, yes even Zapp Brannigan, are still out there somewhere, having adventures and fumbling their way through the intergalactic community, giving Earth a bad name.
In fact, despite the heartfelt finale, this will not be the last fans see of the gang. It was announced early last month that the Planet Express crew will have one more time traveling adventure when they hit Groening's other hit show "The Simpsons" in a crossover episode during its 25th season, in which Bender tries to kill Bart... Because of reasons.