Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura took the GOP 2016 presidential field to school in a new video on his Ora TV "Off The Grid" show.

Ventura, also a former professional wrestler and Navy SEAL, started off the video by asking, "These Republicans think they are gonna be president?"

"Well not if they keep sayin' shi** like this!" Ventura quipped before moving on to his critique.

First up was "climate denier" Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who, in deriding global warming, said in 2014, "The problem with climate change is there's never been a day in the history of the world in which the climate is not changing."

"If you look at a carbon graph and a heat graph, they both parallel each other," Ventura explained. "As the carbon graph goes up, the heat graph goes up accordingly. The more carbon you are putting into the atmosphere, the hotter it's going to get. That is a scientific fact, Ted Cruz. It's not debatable, it's science."

Next, Ventura moved on to comments made by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in 1994, when he said women on welfare "should be able to get their life together and find a husband."

"Well how many times is there welfare where there is a man and wife that are on it?" Ventura asked. "I think the problem is slightly more than whether a woman should get her life together and find a man. Chances are she did find a man. That's why she has kids and is on welfare, because he ran off."

As for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson's comments that gay prison sex proves that homosexuality is a choice, Ventura asked "when he made the choice of whether to be gay or hetero."

"Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, your body tells you, you are born that way," Ventura continued. "But see, people like Ben Carson can't get it through their thick heads that people are indeed born that way. They're born gay like they're born with black skin... Anyone that would make a statement like that should not be president of the United States by any stretch of the imagination."

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina recently said that if he's president, he would deal with citizens who are considering joining al-Qaida by foregoing the judicial route required by law, and instead, simply killing them with drones. "I'm gonna call a drone and we will kill you," Graham said.

"What ever happened to due process?" Ventura asked. "Whatever happened to the rule of law, where you have to be charged with a crime and go through the court system and be convicted?"

When it came to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee claiming that women want birth control because they "cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government," Ventura rubbed his eyes as if trying to awake from a dream.

"Mike Huckabee is one of these religious fanatics who thinks you have sex just to procreate," Ventura said. "Nobody has told Mike Huckabee that sex is fun. Nobody has told Mike Huckabee that it is probably the most enjoyable thing men and women can do together. Why do you think it happens so often?"

And finally, the controversial current GOP front-runner Donald Trump, who recently made comments about Mexico sending illegal immigrants to the U.S., some of who turn out to be murderers and rapists, settled in Ventura's crosshairs.

"First of all, Donald, Mexico ain't sending the people," Ventura said. "They're coming here to experience the American dream, but I guess because their skin is brown, we need to put a wall up. If their skin was white, we'd welcome them in, right Don?"

Watch the full video below.