Washing your dogs will be both fun and very convenient thanks to the Woof Washer 360, a new, bizarre invention that helps you wash your dog "in less than a minute."

The device looks like a large hoop that connects to a hose with a shampoo dispenser on one side, made by R&H Direct.

The Woof Washer works by spraying soapy water from holes inside of a hoop towards the pooch while it stands inside the ring. Clear water can be sprayed for cleansing.

Aside from cleaning the dog, the water will also massage your furry friend from top to toe. The company behind the device says the it can "wash and rinse every part of your dog in less than a minute," the Daily Mail reported.

The Woof Washer 360 costs $19.99 (USD) for the small version and $24.99 for the large, which also comes with a microfiber drying mitt.

The video below shows how the device works. It does look more convenient than putting the dog in the bath tub.