Zach Hodskins Florida: One-Armed Phenom Gets Offer to Become a Gator; 'It's Just a Dream Come True'

High school guard Zach Hodskins recently received an offer from Florida Gators head coach Billy Donavon to become a preferred walk-on, according to The offer is understandable. Hodskins has a nice jumpshot, can get to the rim and finds his teammates for open looks.

Oh, yea—and he does it all with only one hand.

Due to a birth defect Hodskins was born without half of his left arm. He recently joined ESPN to discuss the opportunity from Donavan.

“You know it just a dream come true,” said the Alpharetta, Ga. Native. “My whole life I’ve worked for this opportunity and this chance to play at a high division one basketball program.

Hodskins began playing the game in approximately second or third grade and was taught the game by his dad.

“What me and my dad did was practice every day and come up with different strategies and tips for me to play sports when I get older,” Hodskins explained. “I just had to get stronger and learn a shooting for form, catch a baseball, surf and all that stuff.”

“I was really happy when I made my freshman team in high school,” he recalled. “I thought the sky was the limit at that point because I love basketball so much, I felt like I had a really good work ethic and I just never wanted to give up.

Hodskins adds that he doesn’t really think about his left arm when he’s playing.

“When I play basketball I feel at home, I feel like my arm’s not even there and I just go out there and play hard,” he said.

Yahoo!’s Prep Rally reports the offer from Florida does not include a guaranteed scholarship but the opportunity to gain one at a later time.

Alabama-Birmingham and Birmingham Southern have each offered a full-ride.

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