Apple iOS7 Update: Beta Receives New Design in Lieu of iOS7 Upcoming Release

The freshly updated Apple’s beta iCloud website takes a new look and visual design that is closely similar to the company’s upcoming iOS 7 operating system. The beta portal, which is easy to access with the use of Mac and iOS app developers, was overhauled today with new iconography for Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Notes and Reminder. It also features now a simpler look and fonts that obviously take after the modern design language by Jony Ive for the icon for Find My iPhone.

The modern design language and the entire website is incorporated with the newest version of Apple’s line of operating systems scheduled for release in the next few weeks. Screenshots and details showing the makeover were posted by 9to5Mac. The makeover takes away the skeuomorphic design elements and faux linen backgrounds that were a central fixture of the operating system before former VP Scott Forstall left the company.

At the moment, even if the web app icons -- of Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Notes and Reminder -- have been changed and just look closely alike their iOS 7 equivalent, their functionality are still the same.

Apple’s iCloud website does not showcase the ostentatious translucency effects that have been demonstrated by Apple in its iOS 7, but the fonts and minimalistic design were carried over to the website. The Find My iPhone icon which carries a simpler look now still relies on Google Maps for location data but on Apple’s own solution. It would seem that Apple is on the moves to have the new iCloud ready in conjunction with iOS 7 when the mobile operating system is released to consumers.

The iPad maker is expected to unveil its new iPhone hardware, the iOS 7, this fall, presumably before the company’s anticipated media event on September 10, 2013. As of the moment, no release date has yet been divulged for the update, which is at present in beta form.

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