A curious bear was caught on camera trying to take a ride on a jet ski.

The cub jumped aboard the vehicle at Alaska's Naknek River, the Daily News reported.

Graham Morrison, owner of Morrison Fishing Guide Service, believes the baby bear was trying to get his mom to pay attention to him, but she was too busy indulging in a tasty fish. The tactic didn't seem to work.

Baby bear wasn't able to stay on the Jet Ski for long, he soon lost his balance and fell back into the water.

This is not the only recent incident where a bear behaved erratically. A hungry grizzly stole a dumpster from the parking lot of a German restaurant in Colorado, Yahoo News reported.

The bear is a repeat offender, and kept coming back to the Edelweiss restaurant's parking lot for more.

"There's some fresh, really good food attracting the bear," Edelweiss manager Dieter Schnakenberg. "She passes up the recycling bin and goes right for the good stuff."

The restaurant plans to start locking up their garbage to keep out future sneaky scavengers.

Brown bears in Russia have a new favorite activity, huffing aviation fuel until they pass out, the Daily Mail reported.

The fuel is used to power helicopters and generators at the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.

The bears take several "huffs" of bins filled with kerosene and gasoline before "digging a shallow hole and lying in a 'nirvana' position."

Igor Shpilenok, a photographer who worked with the bears for several months, said they would go as far as to "stalk" helicopters. The aricrafts would take off, leaving behind drops of fuel and allowing the bears to get a fix.

"In another case a helicopter brought a few barrels of gasoline. Workers of the nature reserve didn't take them in time and a female bear named Suzemka - who is apparently fascinated by the smell of fuel - used the opportunity. She seems to be one of the addicts," Shpilenok said, according to the Daily Mail.