New York Post James Foley Cover: Newspaper Slammed for ‘Insensitive’ Cover Showing Journalist Moments Before Beheading

The New York Post was slammed for its Wednesday, Aug. 20 cover showing American journalist James Foley right before he was beheaded by ISIS. Many people took to Twitter to criticize the magazine, calling the cover "insensitive" and "disgraceful."

Some urged Twitter to suspend The New York Post's account for posting the graphic image.

"Pretty sure ISIS could not be happier with the New York Post's front page today," Buzzfeed's Adam Serwer tweeted.

"Twitter says it is 'actively suspending accounts' posting James Foley beheading images. Will it suspend @nypost?" Neetzan Zimmerman wrote.

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has not commented on the Post's cover, which the publication tweeted, but did issue a statement warning users that accounts would be suspended for posting images of Foley's beheading.

"We have been and are actively suspending accounts as we discover them related to this graphic imagery. Thank you," Costolo tweeted including a link to a New York Times' article about the journalist.

For their cover shot, the New York Post chose a still from a video posted online by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria that showed Foley on his knees with a black-hooded man standing behind him with his hand covering Foley's mouth and a knife at his throat.

The screen-grab was taken moments before the journalist was beheaded by ISIS. The cover image was accompanied by the word "SAVAGES." The New York Daily News went with a very similar cover but chose an image of Foley kneeling on the ground with the man standing behind him holding the knife in the air. The cover for the Daily News is below; the graphic New York Post cover can be viewed here.

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