Denmark is now considering banning the burning of the Quran, alongside other holy scriptures, such as the Bible.

The measure seeks to put a stop to extremist demonstrations in the Nordic country.

Denmark Considers Ban on Burning of Quran, Bible During Protests

(Photo : Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 10: A copy of the Koran is displayed with a bible in the library of the Baitul Futuh Mosque in Morden on September 10, 2010 south of London, England. 

Denmark has set its sights on implementing legal measures to curb the burning of holy texts, including the Quran and Bible, during protests. According to The Guardian, The Scandinavian nation is considering a ban on burning the Quran and Bible at protests following a series of high-profile incidents in recent years.

The proposal, which the Danish government is considering, would make it a criminal offense to burn either holy text in public. If passed, the law would be the first of its kind in Europe.

The Danish government says the proposed ban is necessary to protect religious freedom and prevent violence. In recent years, there have been several incidents of Quran burnings in Denmark, which have led to protests and violence.

The Denmark foreign ministry says they are exploring intervening when "other countries, cultures and religions are being insulted." The statement also pointed out situations where it carries "significant negative consequences for Denmark."

As per BBC, the ban seeks to counter extremists and security threats while maintaining the vitality of freedom of expression in the Scandinavian country.

The Danish government stresses that the ban should still be "within the framework of the constitutionally protected freedom of expression." It should also be "in a manner that does not change the fact that freedom of expression in Denmark has a very broad scope."

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Burning of Islam's Quran at Protests

Aljazeera reports that Denmark and Sweden are the center of international attention recently after protesters burned and damaged the Islamic holy scripture, the Quran. Given these recent protests, the Middle East and the two Nordic nations are now in the middle of diplomatic tensions.

Besides Denmark, Sweden also addressed the recent burning of holy scriptures. The Swedish prime minister Ulk Kristersson says he has reached out to Danish PM Mette Frederiksen.

The Swedish leader further disclosed that Sweden is already in the same process of considering a ban on the burning of holy scriptures, including the Quran.

In his recent Instagram post, Prime Minister Kristersson says, "We have also started to analyze the legal situation already in order to consider measures to strengthen our national security and the security of Swedes in Sweden and around the world."

The United Nations Human Rights Council, or the UNHRC, recently approved a resolution, focusing on bigotry and religious hatred after multiple burning incidents.

Meanwhile, Middle Eastern countries, such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia, have already called for a meeting, which dives into the burning and destroying of the Quran in the Nordic nations, Denmark and Sweden.

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