(Photo : Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
Despite preparations for an "inclusive" event, Prince Harry is "unlikely" to participate in the historic balcony appearance alongside other royals during King Charles' coronation, according to a palace insider.

According to speculations, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will not join King Charles and Camilla on the balcony for his Coronation.

It seems unlikely that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would join other members of the Royal Family to celebrate the newly crowned King, as per The Sun.

Why Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Won't Join The Coronation?

The lineup will consist solely of active members of The Firm, excluding Prince Harry and his uncle, Prince Andrew. Although there is no indication that Prince Harry will be prevented from attending the celebrations on May 6 - which coincide with his son Archie's fourth birthday - he is not expected to earn a balcony place.

According to speculations, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will not join King Charles and Camilla on the balcony for his coronation. It seems unlikely that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would join other members of the Royal Family to celebrate the newly crowned King.

Per Daily Mail, the lineup will consist solely of active members of The Firm, excluding Prince Harry and his uncle, Prince Andrew. Although there is no indication that Prince Harry will be prevented from attending the celebrations on May 6 - which coincide with his son Archie's fourth birthday - he is not expected to earn a balcony place.

To prevent the dispute from overshadowing the coronation in the coming months, royal sources hinted at the possibility of peace negotiations. According to a royal source, King Charles must send the invitation sooner rather than later; else, it would become a diversion and circus.

However, several Royals are reportedly anxious that their conversations may be included in the paperback edition of Spare. Prince Harry was paid an estimated $40 million for a four-book deal, and his debut memoir explores confidential interactions with his family.

Early this week, a 407-page book was published in which the privacy of practically every member of the Royal Family is compromised.

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King Charles III Coronation Plans

Some relatives apparently fear that if they do not remain silent, they would serve as material for additional articles. Whether or not he attends the coronation, the nation will enjoy a meticulously prepared three-day celebration.

At Windsor Castle, a mega performance featuring worldwide pop legends, such as Sir Paul McCartney and Queen, is also planned. The two Coronation Day parades will culminate with members of the Royal Family waving from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, including the newly-crowned King and his Queen Consort.

As the centerpiece of the events commemorating His Majesty's coronation, iconic places throughout the United Kingdom will be lighted with projections, lasers, and drones. The three-day event scheduled for Saturday, May 6 through Monday, May 8 will be comparable in scope to the weekend celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June.

On Saturday morning, Charles and Camilla will be proclaimed King and Queen Consort during a service at Westminster Abbey, followed by a procession to Buckingham Palace, where they will appear on the balcony with their families.

As was the case for the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee last year, the lineup of royals will be limited to working family members, according to Daily Express. This covers the royals residing in the United States including Prince Andrew, who no longer performs formal duties.

Also unknown is whether Andrew and Harry will be authorized to wear military uniforms during the parade if they attend. The 74-year-old monarch desires that his youngest son Harry be included on the guest list, although it is unclear whether he will attend.

The three-day historic event is anticipated to highlight King Charles' wishes for diversity and his goal to become the people's King. There will also be an opportunity for Commonwealth representatives and NHS employees to speak. The ceremony will be more embracing, contemporary, and less archaic than Charles' mother Queen Elizabeth's 1953 coronation, according to royal historian Jennie Bond.

Harry stated in an interview with ITV's Tom Bradby that a lot can happen between now and then when asked if he will attend the coronation if he is invited. Then, he appeared to offer an ultimatum to the palace, declaring, The door is always open. The court is now theirs.

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