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The former Australian PM Paul Keating had reservations that the Quad would not prosper and is way over its head in the Indo-Pacific against China.

Former Australian PM Paul Keating had reservations about the Quad, or Asian NATO was doomed to fail to cordon off Beijing as a wrong move in the 'Indo-Pacific Strategy. This group started in 2007 and ended after Australia booted out of the group; even had doubts due to Washington stirring up trouble.

Quad Grouping Excludes China 

Paul Keating scorched the US-led coalition and called it non-representative and has no useful strategic value to the region on Twitter.

He briefly told Canberra that it could ill-afford to taunt Beijing by encircling it uselessly, reported Sputnik News.

An Asian version of NATO with members like Australia, India, Japan, and the US whose long-term objective is to stop the rise of China as an Asian power or, more so, states keeping a free and Indo-Pacific region to mask its other agendas.

He told a member of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's party last Wednesday; that these four nation 'Quad' fencing in China are in for an awful awakening.

Furthermore, he stresses that the BRI of China has funded structural projects already, and the Baltic states and ex-Soviet enclaves have Beijing's imprint by now.

Belt and Road Initiative Continues

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) costs more than three trillion dollars and has been the spotlight economic thrust of Xi Jinping since 2013. A goal is to link Asia and Europe as massive economic blocs via the internet and infrastructure projects, per China Power.

As of March 2022, a maximum of 147 nations from Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America, in addition to North America, were members of the Beijing-backed global movement, remarked the Former Australian PM Keating.

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The ex-Aussie PM reasoned out that the attempts of the hegemonic USA to curtail Xi Jinping are too weak and late; since Washington is a former shadow of itself, and its evident,

He added that the American's proclamation they are the number one power is malarkey and has a divine channel to define good is false, even democracy has faltered. In the next world order where the US will fade to nothing.

Quad's Dangerous Proposition

When Joe Biden to the rulers of Taiwan not to fear the PLA juggernaut, Keating thinks the US could not make good on its promise. Should the Chinese forces attempt to reunify Taipei with the mainland, which the US fails.

The visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the enclave in August has caused a sharper reaction from China; dropping the One-China Policy has altered the political reality. Chinese President Xi is now determined to unify the two Chinas, and the democrat was reckless.

In a dire assessment, the ex-Aussie PM remarked the surveillance capabilities and weapon status of the PLA are lethal, it can sink vessels going to any location in areas close to the sea. He even made it clear the Americans would be at China's mercy, with no chance of winning.

Based on this dreadful assessment, Canberra should consider abandoning Taiwan and getting out of the Asian NATO and be more careful.

Former Australian PM Keating regarded the Quad as a dangerous proposition, as Washington is stirring up trouble in the region for its own benefit.

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